Our commitments


We at ArianeGroup are committed to sustainability. At the heart of our concerns is being a responsible corporate citizen and ensuring that access to space remains a means for supporting a sustainable Earth.

Our company purpose statement: “Pioneering the European way to space, for the well-being of all citizens in a safe world.”

We want to make sure space is a sustainable resource for making life better on our planet for its inhabitants.

We scrupulously respect laws and regulations. Our vocation is to go further and make sure we constantly improve for a better tomorrow, notably by contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal. To this end, we collaborate with our stakeholders in order to maximize our positive impact.

On this page you will find the policy documents and report which underpin our Corporate Social Responsibility endeavor.

Our Sustainability Commitments

Our CSR commitment enables us to channel our purpose and make sure our day-to-day activities are in line with it.

Ethics Charter

The ArianeGroup Ethics Charter lays down the ethical principles and key company values that govern our way of doing business. It describes the applicable rules, principles and behaviors with which all employees should comply, and provides a guide for their daily activities.

Supplier Ethics Charter

At ArianeGroup we are determined to ensure the highest standards of responsibility and integrity and we expect partners with whom we work to share the same values. The Group therefore requires that its suppliers and subcontractors commit to complying with the Supplier Ethics Charter and cascade the principles therein throughout their own supply chains.

Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct

ArianeGroup is resolutely committed to the prevention of corruption and applied targeted associated processes and controls.

The Code of Conduct is at the heart of our zero-tolerance policy on corruption. In particular, the Code of Conduct provides concrete corruption risk scenarios and explains how to react in such situations.

Data Privacy Policy

ArianeGroup attaches great importance to process personal data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The principles now constitute an integral part of our company processes and those of our supply chain.

Health, Safety, and Environment Policy

ArianeGroup considers the protection of its employees’ health and safety and of the environment (HSE) a top priority and has put in place a framework policy and reference guidelines. The Group invests in continuously improving its Performance System to achieve standards of excellence in HSE.

Energy Policy

To minimize ArianeGroup’s ecological footprint while ensuring optimum business performance, ArianeGroup is committed to energy management and deployment of renewable energy sources.

Whistleblowing system

The Whistleblowing System enables employees and external stakeholders to safely report concerns or behaviors contrary to regulations, ethics principles such as human rights or environmental obligations, without fear of retaliation. Individuals can use the dedicated web platform https://ag.1signal.net to report alerts, including anonymously, following the procedure available on the platform.
